The Incredible Edible project aims to bring people together through actions around local food, helping to change behaviour towards the environment and to build a kinder and more resilient world. See the story of how it all started in Todmorden, Yorkshire

Organised by The Wildlife Trusts in partnership with Incredible Edible, Garden Organic and the NFWI (National Federation of Women’s Institutes), a new initiative has launched which pays tribute to His Majesty, King Charles III’s long-standing commitment to the natural world and the environment – Coronation Gardens for Food and Nature. The scheme will encourage people and communities across the United Kingdom to live sustainably and help wildlife recover by growing food and creating space for nature in gardens, on balconies and in shared green spaces.

Sustainable Wallingford started our local Incredible project in 2019, adding to the hundreds of others round the world, and we hope you have seen them. The County Council kindly allowed us to use plots outside Wallingford and Benson Libraries.

Gradually we have learnt what grows well, and have fun and educational Saturday mornings each month to help pass on growing skills: see the side panel for information. At Benson have a long and productive raspberry season which attracts children from 6.30am. After school they can also pop into the Library.

We had a brief pause during the COVID19 lockdown, but decided we could could continue Incredible Edible that year too.

At Wallingford in we have a small plot using raised beds, and grow mostly from seed. A team who take turns to keep the plants happy and watered during dry spells

We chat to passing visitors who are always interested in our rotating vegetation.

We are now adding some bee friendly plants, with advice from the Cattle Market growers.

At Benson, we have a much larger plot and can grow a wider variety, with fruit trees and some experiments. It seems to be sunny in all directions which makes everything grow.

Produce is flourishing, do pause to help yourself from the beds or already picked. It’s for everyone to share and enjoy good fresh produce with no pesticides, but make sure you don’t pick before it’s ready.

We hope that we can continue to involve more people to help them meet others and take gentle fresh air exercise, as well as helping themselves to produce and learning how to grow it.

The aim is not just to grow edible plants for people to help themselves to as they pass by; plants such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, various herbs, carrots, spring onions, leafy greens, and beans. Just as important is to to raise interest in growing food and where it comes from, and of course to work with and enhance the Libraries.

Hopefully when you visit, you will notice when things are ripe or ready to pick and take a few, leaving some for other people to enjoy of course. Do please also give us a hand with a little light weeding or watering, as “If you eat, you’re in”. Look out for news of regular sessions to weed and chat.